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shipping information technology and old-fashioned know-how are core service assets. We have also earned a track record of helping customers solve complex logistics process challenges. Delivering the objective input of a non-asset based third party and applying the resources to implement the process, create improvement and cost reduction.
FS's Logistics Process Analysis is an executive resource, which helps global shippers analyze, develop and implement successful logistics management strategies.

FS experts can work on cross-functional client teams to:
- Reduce operating costs, cycle time, inventory, liabilities
- Identify more efficient use of current internal resources
- Streamline and standardize business practices
- Plan and implement regulatory compliance programs
FS helps you raise the value bar to grow your bottom line.公司为广大海内外货主提供各种进出口货物的海上直达、中转及海铁、海陆、空运、联运等运输服务,接受委托办理订舱、配载、报关、报验、拆装箱、代运、仓储、大件运输、租船、信息咨询、海上运输保险等货运业务。我司的空运提供深圳、广州、香港等几十家国际知名航空公司直航及中转世界各地的货运业务,与几十家知名航空公司建立了密切的合作关系,能够在确保仓位的前提下获得理想的协议运价。同时,与香港同行强强联合,优势互补。在空运配套方面提供上门取货、代理商检、代理报关等服务,发挥多年的报关优势。

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